EU-algeriA agreement: no lasting and stable agreement without a state subject to the rule of law in algeria
The resolution of the European Parliament on November 26, which was voted in almost unanimously and condemned the violations of human rights and the restrictions on individual freedoms in Algeria, will not have been in vain. At the end of the 12th session of the EU-Algeria Association Council held on December 7, 2020, the European Union reminded the Algerian regime that “the bilateral relationship is based on mutual respect as well as recognition and respect for universal values and international commitments relating to a state subject to the rule of law and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms”.
FreeAlgeria recognizes the declaration of the representatives of the European Union, but has doubts regarding the scope of such a declaration at a time when Algeria is experiencing a major political impasse, accentuated by the designation in an electoral sham and against the popular will of Mr. Tebboune for the presidency in December 2019. FreeAlgeria is especially worried about a negotiation involving the immediate future of the country and its citizens led by an illegitimate regime, without a vision, without a road-map, and without a mode of governance worthy of a modern state.
The EU-Algeria Association Agreement, which was enacted in 2005 and denounced by the Algerian side today, does not seem to satisfy the Europeans either. The Algerians regret a shortfall amounting to billions of euros, a significant trade imbalance that benefits Europe as well as the lack of investments and technology transfers, as expected in the agreement. The European Union notably criticizes the Algerian authorities for not respecting the terms of the agreement and for excessive taxation on certain products.
FreeAlgeria considers that an association agreement between the European Union and Algeria will only be able to find success at the end of a democratic transition process in Algeria, likely to guarantee fundamental freedoms and the emergence of a law governed state. The conditions for a balanced and sustainable exchange are not met today, due to the lack of adequate structures and good governance in Algeria.
The European Union must consider the neighboring policies it intends to promote on the southern shore of the Mediterranean. It should not prevent, in particular, the rescues at sea of children, women and men escaping from war, persecution or even famine.
Algeria, on the other hand, cannot hide itself indefinitely behind its defensiveness and rejection of alleged foreign interference. In a free and democratic political climate, the sovereign peoples of North Africa will, through their legitimate representatives, know how to build a space of peace, exchange, and prosperity.
Colletivo Algeria Libera Democratica (CALD, Italie)
Collectif Debout l'Algérie de Lorraine (France)
Collectif pour une Alternative Démocratique et Sociale (CADSA Marseille, France)
Collectif de Soutien Lyonnais au Peuple Algérien (CSLPA, France)
DZ United, San Francisco (USA)
FreeAlgeria, december 12 2020